جميع الفئات

الخضروات المجففة والفواكه الخفيفة

The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato

فراغ الجفاف طماطم كاملة خضروات مقلية طماطم مجففة صحية

  • نظره عامه
  • منتجات ذات صله
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato manufacture
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato supplier
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato details
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato manufacture
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
اسم المنتج
طماطم كرزية مجففة
وجبات خفيفة من الفواكه والخضروات
نوع المعالجة
12 أشهر
اسم المنتج
طماطم مجففة
موعد التسليم
30 يوما بعد تأكيد الطلب
تصنيع المعدات الأصلية / أوديإم
BRC ، OU كوشير
طريقة التخزين
مكان بارد جاف. تجنب أشعة الشمس
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato supplier
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato details
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato details

الحصول على أسعار مجانيه

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