सभी श्रेणियाँ

लेपित मूंगफली

All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanutsAll over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanutsAll over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanutsAll over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanutsAll over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanutsAll over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts

पूरे नेट पर! OEM स्वाद मूंगफली इस समय लेपित मूंगफली का सबसे बेक्ड स्नैक है

  • विहंगावलोकन
  • संबंधित उत्पादों
हमारी मूंगफली को उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली मूंगफली के चारों ओर लपेटे हुए आटे की एक परत के साथ पकाया जाता है।
वे न केवल सुगंधित गंध करते हैं, बल्कि स्वाद भी लेते हैंकुरकुरा।
आपके पास चुनने के लिए हमारे पास कई स्वाद हैं, बस अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमसे संपर्क करें।
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts supplier
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts factory
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts supplier
विस्‍तृत जानकारी
लेपित मूंगफली
शेल्फ जीवन
12 महीने
स्वीकार करना
2 टन से कम नहीं
बीआरसी, ओयू कोषेर
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts details
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts supplier
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts manufacture
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts manufacture
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts factory
All over the net! OEM flavor peanut are the hottest baked snack of the moment coated peanuts manufacture

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