सभी श्रेणियाँ

सूखे सब्जी और फलों के स्नैक्स

Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chipsHealthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chipsHealthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chipsHealthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chipsHealthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chipsHealthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips

स्वस्थ स्नैक्स, सूखे फल, उच्च अंत फल और सब्जी भोजन, मिश्रित सब्जियां, चिप्स,

  • विहंगावलोकन
  • संबंधित उत्पादों
हमारे फायदे
परिपक्व तकनीक
उत्पाद चिकना, विविधता नहीं हैं
ताजा की तारीख
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips manufacture
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips details
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips details
VF फल और सब्जियां
प्रसंस्करण प्रकार
वैक्यूम फ्राइड
झपट लेना
शेल्फ जीवन
12 महीने
वजन (किलो)
1.5 किग्रा
शेल्फ जीवन
12 महीने
बीआरसी, ओयू कोषेर
भंडारण तरीका है
धूप से बचने के लिए कम तापमान
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips details
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips factory
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips factory
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips supplier
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips details
Healthy snacks dried fruit high end fruit and vegetable food mixed vegetables chips factory

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