सभी श्रेणियाँ

सूखे सब्जी और फलों के स्नैक्स

The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomatoThe vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato

वैक्यूम निर्जलीकरण पूरे टमाटर तली हुई सब्जियां स्वस्थ सूखे टमाटर

  • विहंगावलोकन
  • संबंधित उत्पादों
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato manufacture
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato supplier
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato details
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato manufacture
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
विस्‍तृत जानकारी
प्रोडक्ट का नाम
सूखे चेरी टमाटर
फल और सब्जी स्नैक्स
प्रसंस्करण प्रकार
तला हुआ
शेल्फ जीवन
12 महीने
प्रोडक्ट का नाम
सूखे टमाटर
प्रसव के समय
आदेश की पुष्टि के 30 दिन बाद
बीआरसी, ओयू कोषेर
भंडारण तरीका है
ठंडी सूखी जगह। धूप से बचें
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato supplier
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato details
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato factory
The vacuum dehydration whole tomato fried vegetables healthy dried tomato details

एक विनामूल्य कोट मिळवा

हमारे प्रतिनिधि जल्द ही आपसे संपर्क करेंगे.
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