Všetky kategórie


Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts SnacksHot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts SnacksHot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts SnacksHot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts SnacksHot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts SnacksHot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks

Hot Sell Chilli pražené arašidové sušienky v tvare slivky Pikantné chrumkavé arašidové občerstvenie

  • Prehľad
  • Súvisiace produkty
Meno produktu
Pražený arašidový kreker
Orechové občerstvenie
12 mesiacov
Hmotnosť (kg)
5 kg / vrece, 10 kg / CTN
Pikantné, wasabi, morské riasy atď
Dodacia lehota
30 dní po potvrdení objednávky
Balenie podľa vašich požiadaviek
Popis produktu
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks factory

Čerstvé suroviny

Trváme na použití prírodných arašidov, aby sme pre vás uzamkli úžasnú chuť jedla.

Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks manufacture
Pečený arašidový sušienka
Vyzerá to ako slivka, ale v skutočnosti je to arašidy. 
V prírodnej vôni arašidov, zmiešanej s mnohými lahodnými príchuťami ryžového krekruškrupina, ktorá chutí chrumkavo.
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks details

Pečenie pri vysokej teplote je zdravšie ako vyprážanie
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks manufacture
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks supplier
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks manufacture

Iné príchute Arašidy
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks details
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks manufacture
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks manufacture
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks details

Zákaznícka služba

Poskytujeme nielen vysokokvalitné produkty, ale poskytujeme aj kvalitné služby.
V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok nás neváhajte kontaktovať.
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks manufacture
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks manufacture
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks factory
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks details
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks supplier
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks factory
Hot Sell Chili Plum-shaped Roasted Peanut Crackers Spicy Crunchy Coated Peanuts Snacks factory

Získajte bezplatnú cenovú ponuku

Náš zástupca vás bude čoskoro kontaktovať.
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